Video Mass:
This weekend, the Mass will be filmed on Saturday evening in the Lady Chapel at St Joseph’s at 5:00pm. The Mass will be live streamed on Facebook, but in the event of “technical difficulties,” the Mass will be available to watch online afterwards on YouTube. It was meant to be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, but due to lack of heating it will be held in St Joseph’s Church.
As usual, you will receive a separate email when this week’s video link is available. You can also subscribe to the Parish YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are available. You can do this from any of the Parish videos, by clicking on the red ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button.
The Media Production Team have now recorded and produced nearly 30 hymn videos, which are used to supplement the weekly video Masses. These are available to view, listen to, and share on the Parish YouTube channel, as well as in the Videos Album on Facebook.