Booking for Mass
There is a need to make sure that we do not go beyond our designated numbers of those who are attending i.e. 50 people at St Joseph’s and 30 at Our Lady of Lourdes.
While I do not anticipate that this will be a problem during the week it will be necessary to book a place for the Vigil and the two Sunday Masses.
There is now an online booking system to do this on the parish website.
To register for Mass at St Joseph’s Church:

To register for Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church:

If you prefer you can phone the presbytery to book a place giving your name, the number of people from your household and your telephone number. I will then ring you to confirm that you are able to come along.
I am very aware that this all seems so very alien to me and to many others – but if it means we can celebrate Mass together safely then it something we will all have to put up with for a time.
God Bless, Fr Dennis.