Re-opening Churches for Personal Prayer.
The present intention is to open Churches for private prayer from next weekend, but this will depend upon:
· Steward(s) being present during the time the Church is open
· Hygiene and social distancing being properly observed at all times
· Seating in designated places only
· A maximum number in a Church building at any one time
· Careful observance of one way systems where possible
· Cleansing of all surfaces touched after use
· Removal of all non-single use printed materials
· Toilets must be kept closed.
The question many people have been asking is who can be a steward and since the initial announcement there has been a bit of a change in that the guidance.
The government guidance now is that the team of stewards “should not be drawn from those instructed to shield themselves, nor, as a general rule, from groups considered more vulnerable to coronavirus.”
To implement this, in our Diocese we will be asking volunteers to declare that you know what you are required to do as stewards – with the duties being set out – and to confirm that you believe that you are clinically able to do so.
How often and when our two Churches can be open depends on the availability of stewards and also volunteers willing to clean the Churches after they have been open.
Under 18s are welcome to volunteer when accompanied by an adult member of their household.
If you are willing to help, could I ask you to e-mail Fr Dennis on giving an indication of what you think you might be able to help with and when and in which Church.
Then we can look at putting together some rotas.
Thank you,
Fr Dennis