Parish Buildings Fund Update

Thank you to Kathleen and her team for raising another £60 from the fortnightly Wednesday Coffee Mornings at St Joseph’s.

Thank you also to everyone who sponsored the hymn book appeal at Our Lady of Lourdes.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed regularly to the bucket collection at St Joseph’s. This figure had not been taken into account previously.

This brings the total to just over £10,500 raised so far. Although we will have exceeded our 2019 goal by the end of the year, the fundraising committee will continue with their efforts to fundraise next year. What we have raised so far is only a drop in the ocean to what is required for the various repair and maintenance works that have to be undertaken in the new year.

We look forward to your continued support in the new year. The calendar of events for 2020 is almost finalised and will be made available shortly.

Thank you once again for your continued support.