Offertory Envelopes

The new set of Offertory Envelopes are now available for collection on a table behind the organ at St Joseph’s and on the table at the back of Church at Our Lady of Lourdes.

We are now using an online system to record all donations. The data that has been uploaded to the system is not complete and some of you will find that your details on the box are incorrect.

When you collect your box, please check the details on the label. If the details require updating on our system, please complete the slip that is in the box and return it in the envelope with your next donation.

If you have any unused envelopes from the old set, please discard them and use the new series of envelopes, which will help us enormously.

If you cannot find your box or wish you use envelopes for your donations, please see Father Dennis, Sheila FordeTony NolanJason Davies or Eddie Kelly.