Our Lady of Lourdes twin Parish Partnership with St Joseph’s Parish, Matli , Pakistan.
Our vision: To work together within our own parish, to raise awareness of the needs and interest of our twin parish in Pakistan, through: prayer, advocacy and financial support.
Father Nico, who visited last week, made a presentation after Mass. You can see the photos by going to ‘Photos’, then ‘Albums’ and click on ‘Sister Parish’. Or you can go to the Parish website https://www.ourlady-stjoseph.org.uk/gallery/.
Mark Purvis made a comment last week:
I heard a story about one of the previous priests who had worked in Matli.
He worked there for many years.
When he retired a family invited him to their house for a meal before he left to return to the UK.
This is what the family said.
“You came here many years ago and we thought you might help us by giving money or food.
You didn’t.
Even when we joined in with the community and came to mass every week, you did not help us with food or money.
Now you are leaving and we are as hungry and as poor as when you first came.
But you noticed. You shared our lives and see our daily struggles.
We feel less invisible.
And that is more important than any practical help we had hoped you might have given.
Thank you.”
I think this story helps us to understand what we can do.
Not everyone, in these hard times, is able to donate money on a regular basis to support the outreach TB worker.
But supportive thoughts, prayers and witness are just as important.
In return we can learn much from our twin parish about faith and discipleship in difficult circumstances.