Christmas Masses:
All of the Masses for Christmas are filling up and the Christmas Eve Mass at St Joseph’s and the Midnight Mass at OLOL are now full.
As it currently stands, there is only 1 ticket left for the 6.30 pm Mass at OLOL on Christmas Eve, 30 tickets left for 9.30 am at SJ on Christmas Day, and 16 tickets left for 11 am at OLOL on Christmas Day.
You must book soon if you wish to attend because a ticket is essential and those who show up to a full Mass without booking a ticket will unfortunately not be able to attend.
If you or someone you know is unable to get online to book for the Masses on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, Fr Tony can also book a place for you over the phone.
It’s important to note again that our Bishop has said that due to Covid, the obligation to attend Mass at Christmas is dispensed this year.
If you can’t get a ticket on Christmas Eve/Day, but would still like to come to Mass during the Christmas Octave, you do not need to book a ticket for those weekday Masses.
A Reminder 1 ticket for Mass will cover 2 people from the same household. 2 tickets will cover a family of 3 or more.