Booking for Masses:
As we have limits of 80 at St Joseph’s Church and 30 at Our Lady Of Lourdes, it remains necessary to book a place for the Vigil and the two Sunday Masses.

There is an online booking system to do this on the parish website.
Tickets for Mass at St Joseph’s are available at
Tickets for Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes are available at

If you prefer, you can phone the presbytery to book.
Also a reminder that the current law requires that face coverings are worn in places of worship, except for those on the Government list of exemptions from wearing a face covering.

A reminder that 1 ticket will cover 2 people from the same household, and 2 tickets will cover a family of 3 or more.

Tickets have sold out at Our Lady of Lourdes Church the past 2 Sundays because some couples booked at 1 ticket per person.

When filling out the form, please indicate the names of all people attending, using the forename and surname fields.

It does not matter which fields you use to indicate the names of attendees.

Some examples (apologies if patronising!):
Example 1: Ada Smith on her own. One ticket required. Fill out forename “Ada” and surname “Smith”.

Example 2: Ada and Bob Smith (same household): One ticket required.
Fill out forename “Ada & Bob” and surname “Smith”.

Example 3: Ada, Bob, and 3 children (same household): Two tickets required.
Ticket 1: Fill out as above for the first ticket.
Ticket 2: Fill out forename “Charlie, Deb, and Ed” and surname “Smith”.

If you have booked a ticket and are not able to attend, please let Fr Tony know.
Thank you for your co-operation.